Here we are in week three of our series, “Can NLP Help You Find Love.”

 This time we will be discussing motivation. Having the right motivation for finding love is an important factor in being able to not only call it to you but so that you don’t end up in a relationship that is not really good for you.

 What is Your Motivation for Wanting a Relationship?

 Why do you want to be in a relationship? Is it fear driven or desire driven? Is it to make yourself feel whole? Or do you already feel whole even when you are alone? Are you looking for a relationship to solve a problem in your life or validate yourself? Are you coming from a place of power and wanting a relationship to share your life with someone or do you think you need one in order to be happy or taken care of? Are you already whole and happy or are you looking for someone else to complete you?

 When people are looking for a relationship to fix something or make them feel better then often they will give off a desperate vibe even if they are trying to look cool and calm. This vibe will repel potential love partners. Nobody likes to feel like the person that is interested in them wants to be with them out of some sort of need. Also, when people are feeling desperate to find a partner they will often pick partners that are not the best match for them, and will ignore red flags so they can stay in the relationship no matter what.

 The best place and mindset to be in your life for finding love is when you are already happy complete and fine on your own. When you are ok with your life and already happy then you send off more positive attractive vibes. And if you are already ok, then you won’t put up with bad behavior from other people and settle for something that isn’t healthy. If you are already happy with your life then finding a partner to share your happiness with and not to MAKE you happy is a much better position to be in.

 If you have been feeling like a relationship is the one thing that will make you happy and fix everything for you, I invite you to explore a bit deeper. What is it that you are missing in your life specifically? How can you get some of that on your own? Not as a substitute for love, but as a way to focus on being your best self and living your best life for YOU!