What is NLP.

NLP is a brain based modality that works with the subconscious blocks around belief, identity and the safety patterns of the reptilian survival brain and the emotional limbic system. 

Your beliefs filter what you are able to achieve and experience in your life. Your safety patterns are automatic functions that keep you safe from things that your brain deems dangerous. These filters on reality can limit what we can do and they dictate how we feel about ourselves, the world and what is possible. 

Most limiting beliefs and safety patterns are outdated and were created long ago when you were young and they no longer apply to the current reality, but they keep playing out over and over until they get rewired and updated. These beliefs are often hidden. People often don’t know what is keeping them from achieving the life they want but they can feel the sense of being stuck or blocked. 

If you have ever had the experience of finding yourself in the same patterns over and over, this is a product of deep rooted beliefs and identity. If you have ever had the experience of wanting something so clearly that seems just out of reach or you hold yourself back somehow, this is a function of those unconscious blocks and safety patterns.




We will always experience what it is that we believe. We will seek out people and experiences to make those beliefs true. In order to have a different life we need to have different beliefs. Beliefs are what hold our identity in place and can feel impossible to change. What we believe feels so solid and unchangeable. A lot of what we believe is transparent and we don’t even realize that we are living our lives in a way to make these other than conscious ideas true. In our sessions together we will be able to gently take apart the beliefs that no longer serve you and grow new ones that will foster everything that you truly want and need in a very short amount of time.


Change is possible.

NLP is very goal focused and precise. It is short term work and clients experience changes after each session. Each session is designed to unwire these blocks and limitations that are often hidden from our consciousness. Once these patterns are uncovered then using NLP techniques, they are re-written in the neurology and new positive beliefs and behaviors are installed. It is similar to updating your brain’s software and operating system to be more functional. Once these blocks are no longer getting in the way, then change is effortless and my clients have been known to achieve things that they never thought were possible before.

They have found the perfect career, wonderful wealth and abundance, health when they were struggling with vitality. They have found beautiful partnerships and love when before they were alone and frustrated with relationships. They have found calm and peace when before they were depressed and anxious. They have been able to tap into their true selves and have begun to create their lives and reach their desires.

  • Be successful at anything you desire
  • Avoid continued failure and sabotage
  • Change anxiety and self-doubt into powerful self confidence
  • End isolation
  • Create more intimacy and community
  • Stop struggling with your partner
  • Have fulfilling, lasting relationships
  • Change unwanted patterns and behaviors
  • Build successful strategies for health, money, career, self-esteem and confidence
  • Stop bad habits
  • Have a healthy life
  • Lose weight
  • End PTSD symptoms
  • Have more peace and ease
  • Rewire depression
  • Have more joy
  • Achieve your goals
  • Put an end to procrastination


How Many of These Statements Are True For You?

I have been struggling to have a healthier life style forever, but nothing is working. I have tried so many different programs and routines so I can have more health in my life, but I can’t seem to keep motivated and stick with it. I hate parts of myself and am always criticizing myself. I don’t know how to make the changes that I want to have for myself. I think I will always feel this badly about who I am and my life.

I feel depressed and anxious. I just can’t seem to just be happy. I just don’t know why I feel this way.

My partner and I really love each other, but can’t seem to stop fighting. We have tried different techniques of communication and we still seem to push each others’ buttons. How do we begin to understand each other so that we can be more harmonious?

I really want different things for my life but I just can’t seem to move forward to actually getting what I want.

I keep ending up in the same unhealthy situations with people. I can’t seem to figure out why I keep attracting these painful relationships into my life. What am I doing wrong?

I feel deep fear and phobias in certain situations. I Just can’t seem to talk myself out of the fear.

I really want to meet a partner or make friends but I can’t seem to meet people. I wonder if I am even meant to be in a relationship. I never meet anyone the stays around or that I like. I am beginning to give up hope.

I know what I want in life but I keep seeming to sabotage myself and can’t make it work.

All of these things can change for you.
Are you ready to begin? Feel free to contact me to set up your initial consultation.